Big Canoe

Wellness Collaborative

Neighbors Helping Neighbors 


We have provided over 2800 core services since our inception. Additionally, our collaborations with Jasper Drugs, Life South, Northside Hospital Cherokee, Big Canoe Public Safety and other local qualified professionals, have resulted in over 3500 more services to our neighbors. Thank you to all our volunteers that made this possible.

Cardiovascular Screening presented by Northside Hospital

Wednesday, March 26

Northside Hospital Cherokee will offer a Quick Mobility & Recovery Assessment

Thursday, April 3, 9am to 3pm

Blood Drive   Feb. 20, 2025   We made our quota with 43 donors

                     40 Whole Blood collected to treat emergencies and trauma

                       3 Double Red Cell   treats Sickle Cell Anemia

Public Safety Classes

CPR April 9  9am-noon

Stop the Bleed May 1   9am to noon

Support Group for Caregivers of Family Members Suffering Memory Loss

“Aging with Attitude” How to age loud and proud!

Presented by Dr. Inge Owens  May 19, 2pm at Big Canoe Chapel

North GA Parkinson’s Support Group


What we do

We provide wellness-related activities and services (Info, Meals, Rides, Visits, Support Services or Education) at no cost, for eligible families and individuals of all ages throughout the community. Please take a few minutes to watch our video that highlights our services through testimonials from clients and volunteers!

Who we are

The Big Canoe Wellness Collaborative is a non-profit, all volunteer group which provides short-term non-emergency and non-medical wellness services to the residents of Big Canoe. The Collaborative is a tax-exempt Charitable organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Tax ID #47-1453641.

To learn how we started, where we've come from, take a look at our History.

And, here's our current leadership.


 Did you know?

  • Emergency Preparedness fact sheets, specific to each neighborhood, are now available here and on the Big Canoe POA website.

  • The Georgia legislature has enacted a new statutory Power of Attorney form in an effort to increase the acceptance of the form throughout various institutions. If your Power of Attorney is dated prior to 2017, you might check with your attorney to see if it is compliant.

  • Ongoing and Upcoming Events can be found on the Events page - be sure to take a look!
