The Collaborative is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID #47-1453641.

You can donate by Check.

Make check out to Big Canoe Wellness Collaborative, and mail to:

Big Canoe Wellness Collaborative

10455 Big Canoe

Jasper GA 30143

How Are Your Donations Used?

* To purchase equipment and other supplies to provide assistance in Big Canoe, such as:

  • NuStep exercise machine for the Wellness Center

  • Fitness stations on walking trail

  • Teleflex drill for Public Safety

  • Medical Information Kits for BC Residents

* To cover our operating expenses, including such items as:

  • Establishment and maintenance of the Wellness Collaborative website

  • Liability Insurance for Directors and Officers

  • GA Dept of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Reports for our Volunteer drivers

  • Volunteer Forums, brochures, and advertisements which describe our services

Every donor will receive an acknowledgment of their donation, including our federal Tax Identification Number.