The Collaborative is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID #47-1453641.
You can donate by Check.
Make check out to Big Canoe Wellness Collaborative, and mail to:
Big Canoe Wellness Collaborative
10455 Big Canoe
Jasper GA 30143
How Are Your Donations Used?
* To purchase equipment and other supplies to provide assistance in Big Canoe, such as:
NuStep exercise machine for the Wellness Center
Fitness stations on walking trail
Teleflex drill for Public Safety
Medical Information Kits for BC Residents
* To cover our operating expenses, including such items as:
Establishment and maintenance of the Wellness Collaborative website
Liability Insurance for Directors and Officers
GA Dept of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Reports for our Volunteer drivers
Volunteer Forums, brochures, and advertisements which describe our services
Every donor will receive an acknowledgment of their donation, including our federal Tax Identification Number.